If you’re thinking about importing car Japan, there are a few things you need to take into account before getting started. Here’s everything you need to know to get your car imported without any hassles.
First and foremost, make sure your vehicle meets the requirements of the Japanese import program. There are a lot of specific things your car must have (like a valid registration), so it’s important to check with the appropriate authorities if you’re not sure.
Second, be prepared to spend some money on customs duty and other related fees. The total cost of importing a car from Japan can easily reach tens of thousands of dollars, so it’s important to have realistic expectations and be prepared to cover all costs up front.
Finally, be aware that Import Car Japan can take several months or even years, so patience is key! If everything goes according to plan, your new car should arrive in Japan within a few weeks or months after shipping.

The Process of Importing a Car from Japan
If you’re thinking about importing a car from Japan, there are a few things you need to know before starting. Here’s a guide on importing a car from Japan:
1. Learn the regulations.
There are various requirements and procedures you’ll need to follow depending on the make and model of the car you’re importing. Make sure to check out the Japanese Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism website (www.mobilenet.go.jp) for more information.
2. Get the necessary permits.
Before bringing your car into Japan, you’ll first need to get import permits from both your country’s consulate in Japan and the Japanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs. You can find more information on obtaining these permits on the aforementioned ministry website or by calling their toll-free number: 090-5195-1500 (in Japan).
3. Learn about duties and taxes.
When importing a car into Japan, you’ll also have to pay duties and taxes according to its value (listed in yen). The amount of tax varies depending on the make and model of the car, but it’s usually around 10% of its value. Make sure to consult an import specialist or visit an online customs calculator like www2.dutiesoncarsjapaneseimports.com for more accurate figures . . .

What To Expect When You Arrive at the Port
When you arrive at the port, there will likely be a long line of cars waiting to be imported. The process of importing a car from Japan can take up to several weeks, so it is important to allow enough time for everything to go smoothly.
First, you will need to go through customs and have your vehicle inspected. This process can take anywhere from a few hours to a full day, depending on the size and type of car you are importing. Make sure that your documentation is in order and that all required fees have been paid before moving on.
Next, you will need to fill out an importation form with the specific details of your car, including its make, model, year, and license plate number. Make sure that all information is correct or you may run into some problems later on.
Once the form is complete, head over to the parking lot where your car will be temporarily stored while it waits for processing. You should expect to see several other cars parked here as well – this is where you will start seeing delays start happening.
The next step in the process is getting your car inspected by an authorized dealer in Japan. This process can take anywhere from a few hours to a full day, again depending on the make and model of car you are importing.
After the inspection has been completed, your vehicle will be ready for transport back to America. At this point, it is important to make sure that
What To Do Once You’ve Imported Your Car If you have imported a car from Japan and are now trying to get it registered in your home country, there are a few things you will need to do. To begin with, you will need to locate the Japanese ministry of international trade and industry website and find the application form for registering a vehicle. If the car was registered in Japan before you exported it, you can use the same form. However, if the car was not registered in Japan, then you will need to create an application using the relevant documents that were provided when you imported the car. Once you have completed the application form and submitted all of the required information, your car should be registered within a few weeks.