If you have only been to one kind of a strip club or you are just curious about the entertainment they provide, you may have wondered how different male and female strip clubs can be. After all, they cater to different clientele. And if you have seen the movie Magic Mike, you may wonder whether the strip club atmosphere has any similarities to it.
The requirements of the two client bases are different as well. When most men go to a female strip club, they are invested in seeing the bodies of the girls only. Female strip clubs have dancing and other activities as well but the main attraction is the female strippers themselves and how they carry themselves and what they were (or more importantly, not wear). There is more similarity between the porn industry and female stripping. So many of the shows are inspired by this as well. Sex and sexuality is the main selling point of a female strip club. So when men visit a strip club for a bachelor’s party, they are hoping to see one thing and one thing only. But it is a little bit different when it comes to male strip clubs. Women want more varied entertainment and most prefer a less hands-on approach. Not all women will like a male stripper grinding on them or getting very close up in their business. But there is a healthy dose of voyeurism that goes on in male strip clubs. Women usually go to a strip club to have a good time with their friends and view some attractive male bodies.

Many male strip clubs have varied entertainment like cabaret shows and comedic and sexy events that the women can enjoy. There is sexual dancing similar to a female strip club and it can get very hot and heavy in there but it is a totally different atmosphere from a female strip club. There is a lot of lap dances in private rooms that happen in female strip clubs but most of the time, the lap dances in a male strip club take place on the stage in front of a large audience. There is a lot more focus on the performance for a larger group instead of separate performances for individuals. But you can hire a stripper or a topless waiter for your event if you fancy any of the male strippers at the club.

The shows that are performed at the two strip clubs are different. In male strip clubs, there are many routines, costumes and choreographed dances and performances. There is a big focus on the performance and there will be a big stage with great lighting that will give a good view to everyone. There is interaction with members of the crowd as well. But in a female strip club, there are fewer character routines and interactions with the audience will need to be paid for at the entrance. However, female strippers tend to earn more than their male counterparts because they are working in strip clubs for most nights. A male stripper will be more involved with doing the live shows or providing entertainment for group events.