When you want to bring the best education for your students in the school, there are many things to have in mind. As a school, you have to always think about academic excellent of your students along with other forms of development as well. This is how you are going to create students who are all rounders as adults. This is also why a lot of schools make the decision to set up book fairs in their premises time to time, in order to encourage little kids to read. Reading is not something that will come automatically to them, which is why you need to encourage and promote reading as much as you can. If this is not promoted to kids, reading and language development will fail to happen within the future generations of students. Book fairs are a fun adventure and experience for school students and so, here is a school’s guide to setting up a book fair in your school premises.

You need to contact a book store to set up the fair
The first thing to do when you want to set up a book fair in your school is to contact a book store or book seller that can set the fair up. When you communicate with a book seller that specializes in children’s books like picture books, they are going to have a wide range of books that are going to be set up at the fair. It is going to be much more difficult and inconvenient to arrange a book run or donation and then set up a successful book fair in a school. But when you have reached out to a reliable book store and book seller, they will handle the process with ease. The book fair will be set up with a great range of books for all children of all ages, in a convenient manner.
Promote the book fair in your school and to the public
If you are hoping that all the children in your school are going to flock towards your book fair and make sure it is successful, then promotion is a must to do. Without promoting or advertising your book fair to your students and to the general public, you would not be able to bring them together and make them browse through the different books they have for the students. When you have flyers around your school and when you have used social media to market the book fair, this is going to bring the whole school together.

Offer special discounts and bundles for young children
Lastly, you may want to consider offering special bundles and discounts for the students when a book fair is being set up/ This can be communicated with your book store who are setting up the book fair within your school. With discount bundles, more students will buy more books and it will promote reading in a successful way to all your students.